#82: (Eco) Luxury Makeup Starter Kit Tag (Patreon)

Episode 82: (Eco) Luxury Makeup Starter Kit Tag

For this episode I borrowed this tag video idea from Michele Wang (video here), but put an eco spin on it. There's some fun beauty nostalgia here, as I reminisced about many of my formative beauty forays. 

The questions in this tag include -

  1. Where should someone start when it comes to luxury makeup? 

  2. Is there anything they should stay away from? 

  3. If you could only purchase one category of luxury makeup for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

  4. What is one luxury makeup brand you would recommend for someone starting out? 

  5. What is one luxury makeup brand you would tell someone to stay away from? 

  6. What is one makeup brand you wish you tried sooner? 

  7. Would you recommend spending money on makeup or skincare? 

  8. Why do you personally love luxury makeup? 

  9. Should luxury makeup brushes be invested in? 

  10. Should luxury perfumes be invested in? 

  11. Designer or niche perfumes? 

  12. Where is the best place to shop when getting started? 

  13. If you only have $200, what would you buy? 

  14. What was your first luxury makeup purchase? Did you regret it? 

  15. What is your biggest luxury makeup regret?

Kelly Chase