What’s your fashion personality? Hitchcock Madrona x L’Amour et la Musique

I know I’m almost a week late in getting this accompanying blog post up with the fashion personality collaboration video I did with Erica from Hitchcock Madrona last Sunday, but I’m trying to get better at putting up a blog post with every video so that products and topics can be more easily searchable and archive-able on here. Retroactively going through all my past videos and making sure they are archived on here is an open-ended project (anyone care to do some intern work for me? : p).

Anyhow, I had THE BEST time collaborating with Erica – everything from iterating on the questions together to actually filming and discussing, to watching Erica’s video and to see how DIFFERENT we are but how those differences are so complementary was really, really fun. Erica and I are planning to do more videos together, which I hope you’ll enjoy. If you haven’t already watched our fashion personality videos, you can see mine here and Erica’s here. And be sure to check out the rest of Erica’s videos, she’s one of my absolute favorites.

The questions –

1. What are 5 words to describe your personal style? Do you have anything to show regarding those words?

2. Where do you derive your fashion inspiration from/who are your style icons?

3. What can’t or won’t you wear (for whatever reason) but want to wear?

4. What is your favorite category to buy?

5. What are your favorite places to shop for clothing?

6. Do you consider color typing or color harmonization as part of your wardrobe styling, and if you so what is your color type (i.e. warm autumn, cool winter, et cetera) and what colors do you feel best suit you?

7. What is the most sentimental or nostalgic item in your wardrobe?

8. What are your thoughts on fast fashion, sustainable textiles, and capsule approaches to fashion?