February Favorites and why do I have such a hard time posting regularly here

Lately I’ve been in that mode of feeling paralyzed by the amount of things I both need and want to do with L’amour. And I’m not getting a ton accomplished. I had this pipe dream of a M-F blog post on here, that hasn’t happened. My latest goal is to archive all my videos on here somehow so that products I’ve reviewed in video can be searchable here, since I can’t always remember where to direct people to. And then there’s the whole backlog of videos I desperately want to film but just do.not.have.the.time. Two nights of French class a week the past few months has cut into L’amour time, so once that wraps maybe things will ease back up. I just basically resent having to have a “real” job! Or perhaps I just need to hire someone to do some of these cataloguing/archiving things for me? Is that what people do, hire people?

Learning as I go, I suppose. But here’s the video I posted today with the complete product list, for your searching pleasure! And, I’m going to be putting up a quick post in the next few days on three different beauty subscription boxes I just tested and wanted to do a video but yeah that’s not happening. No time, and other things in the queue that I know you’ll be more into.

Watch February Eco-Beauty + Lifestyle Favorites on Youtube!

Products Mentioned –
Stark Tendril Hair Oil* http://www.starkskincare.com/products/tendril-nourishing-hair-oil
Tata Harper Rejuvenating Serum* http://seph.me/2jPfdqi
Josh Rosebrook Nutrient Day Cream http://bit.ly/2lLTWP2
Josie Maran Vibrancy Foundation http://bit.ly/2kr1beT
Red Apple Lipstick shadow in Vamp* http://bit.ly/2lNMemL
Kjaer Weis Abundance http://bit.ly/2kKRMLe
Hourglass Mood Light Powder http://bit.ly/2lPTBYt
Tata Harper Illuminate Cream Highlight* http://seph.me/2lc0BxC
Bite Beauty Aubergine http://seph.me/2li8odJ
Rodin Billie on the Bike http://bit.ly/2n24mGY
AILA Topcoat http://amzn.to/2lM3Sbt
Red Flower Ohana Gingergrass Bamboo Scrub http://bit.ly/2lQ20uI
Therapie Awaken Skin scrub https://www.beautyhabit.com/products/awaken-skin-rehab-scrub
Eco-Tan https://us.ecotan.com.auM
Kit’s Organic bars http://amzn.to/2msgXGy
House of Intuition Intention Candles https://houseofintuitionla.com/collections/magic-candles

Media Favorites –
Kimberly’s Clark’s Anti-Hauls http://bit.ly/2mgyIoq
NY Times Daily podcast
Crimetown podcast
Missing Richard Simmons

La Musique –
DJ Lyneé Denise http://www.djlynneedenise.com
Melodie set from Club Eden